February 11, 2025

The First Step When Facing FHA Mortgage Foreclosure Is To Find Out What Your Options Are

Not since the Great Depression have so many American homeowners faced hard economic times.   High unemployment, a very slow economy and lack of income growth have resulted in millions of homeowners facing foreclosure.  The crash in real estate values since 2008 has resulted in negative equity for millions of FHA borrowers which makes refinancing or […]

How Can An FHA Borrower Select A Reputable FHA Lender?

Besides worrying about whether or not the mortgage loan application will be approved, FHA borrowers also need to worry if they are dealing with a reputable FHA lender. There are serious pitfalls and consequences from dealing with a “rogue” FHA lender. A borrower applying for FHA financing needs to invest significant time and money applying […]

A Rational Reason To Default On Your FHA Mortgage

Mortgage defaults are at an all time high as property values plunge, incomes drop, unemployment rises and the average consumer is squeezed by the exploding cost of daily necessities. The housing situation is at a critical stage and not likely to improve any time soon.  Here are some highlights from a recent report by the […]

Millions Of FHA Borrowers Have Negative Home Equity Which Often Results In Defaults

Few things are more psychologically and financially damaging than the realization that you owe more on your home than it is worth.  The real estate industry has forever advised potential buyers that you “can’t go wrong owing a home since prices always go up” – a myth that exploded as the housing bubble started to […]