February 11, 2025

How Many Years Will I Pay FHA Mortgage Insurance? The Answer May Surprise You

Since being created by Congress in 1934 the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has insured over 34 million mortgages on single family homes.  The low down payment requirement and relaxed credit standards of the FHA have allowed millions of people to achieve the dream of home ownership. While the advantages of an FHA mortgage are compelling […]

FHA Lending Continues to Plunge – FHA Doing More Harm Than Good for Most Home Buyers

The number of FHA originations continues to spiral downward according to the latest FHA Production Report from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Total applications received for FHA mortgages declined to 71,011 in January 2014 down by almost 49% from the previous year’s comparable month.  The large majority of FHA loans are for […]

FHA’s 75% Increase In Mortgage Insurance Premiums May Hurt Housing Sales

After the implosion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008, the FHA was seen as the savior of the housing industry.  Liberal underwriting guidelines combined with a low down payment requirement made FHA financing the preferred choice for many home buyers.  As a result, the FHA’s share of total mortgage lending soared to almost […]

FHA Mortgage Insurance – What Is It For And Why Does It Exist?

FHA mortgage insurance (MI) is an essential element of the FHA lending program.  Mortgage insurance provides an incentive for lenders to approve FHA loans and is instrumental in protecting the financial integrity of the FHA lending program by covering loan losses. The most common questions regarding FHA mortgage insurance are answered on the website of […]