The nonstop ads on cable television make it sound like reverse mortgages are the magical solution to every financial problem faced by the elderly. Reverse mortgages are, in fact, the most complex mortgage product out there. Most seniors probably don’t fully comprehend what they are getting into with a reverse mortgage unless they possess a […]
States Move To Protect Seniors Considering A Reverse Mortgage With Face-To-Face Interviews
August 15, 2012 Filed Under: FHA Eligibility Requirements, FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, FHA loan, FHA mortgage, FHA reverse mortgage
How Much Money Can I Get From A Reverse Mortgage? A Step By Step Procedure
July 31, 2012 Filed Under: Benefits of FHA Mortgage, FHA HECM, FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, FHA loan, FHA mortgage, FHA Mortgage Basics, FHA reverse mortgage
We have previously discussed the merits and potential drawbacks of the reverse mortgage program. The reverse mortgage is officially known as the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or HECM. A reverse mortgage is obtained through the FHA and is a relatively small part of their lending business. While the FHA will receive almost two million routine […]